QI Hub
Quality Improvement (QI) is the art of making small changes in complex systems, which all add up to better care. At North London NHS Foundation Trust we are empowering our frontline staff, carers and service-users to lead the change.
Our Story
As the demand from our services have continued to increase it has become apparent that we cannot keep doing more and more especially with fewer resource. Top-down approaches to change do not work that well in complicated systems like healthcare.
We want to develop a culture of continuous improvement in the Trust and our focus will be on better staff satisfaction, better patient experience and reducing avoidable harm.
The QI Hub is a team of different professionals including doctors, psychologists, nurses, healthcare assistants and non-clinical staff interested in QI methods and trained in supporting others to do their own QI projects. The Hub can support your team to develop and implement your own ideas. If you and your team want training in QI, have an idea for a project or are already improving things, then get in touch with us! It’s enjoyable, creative and really connects people!